Calculation Exercise - Calculation with amounts of Radioactive Material and Decay
Calculate the rate of disintegration if the following:
1.0 * 1013 atoms 99mTc.
1.0 * 1014 atoms 14C.
1.0 gram 239Pu.
1.0 gram 235U.
Calculate the amount of atoms of the following nuclei, based on their activity:
10 MBq of 32P.
200 kBq of 131I.
A source of 60Co has a rate of disintegration equal to 1.0 * 1014 Bq. What is the mass of 60Co in grams?
A preparation labelled 3H disintegrates with 3.0 * 105 Bq.
What is the rate of disintegration after 3 years?
How long does it take for the rate of disintegration to reach 2.0 * 105 Bq?
A patient is administered 4.0 * 107 Bq 99mTc in connection with a nuclear medicine examination. Calculate the amount of mass of 99mTc injected in the patient. The daughter nuclide 99mTc is radioactive, but has a very long half-Life.
Show that the total rate of disintegration in the patient is insignificant one week after the examination.
Calculate the rate of disintegration of the following:
1.0 g natural Lu-metal.
1.0 g natural Sm-metal.
Recently it was showed that natural Bi is radioactive. How much amount of Bi is required to give a disintegration rate of 10 Bq?
In nature 234U exist in equilibrium with 238U as a daughter product.
How much 238U has an equivalent disintegration rate as 1 g 234U?
Given the amounts from a) is separated as pure 238U and 234U, how many percent has the amount of 238U decreased when the amount of 234U is halved?
calculation_exercises/exercises_with_amount_of_radioactive_material_number_of_nuclei_number_of_moles_weight_and_decay.txt · Last modified: 2023-09-16 14:50 by Susanna Salmien-Paatero