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Laboratory Exercises

On this page you find links to the main categories of laboratory exercises. Under each category title typical exercises are listed (with links directly to the exercise when appropriate). All the exercises are suitable for hands-on training of students and personnel.
Here a list of Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NRC) Laboratory Exercises is provided. The list is organized according to topic and the exercises have been collected from and/or submitted by universities that have used the exercise in question in their actual laboratory teaching.
The idea behind providing this list here at NucWik is that NRC teachers and institutions should collaborate and help each other to provide better exercises and teaching.
In particular we encourage all teachers (and students!) to provide feedback on exercises they have used in order improve the exercise and to help other teachers in using the exercise.
The exercises are in different state of readiness: ideally we would like each to have "plug and play" readiness. Then it should have a thorough description, student guides, teacher guides, links to relevant textbook sections and/or compendia (made available through NucWik), equipment list, safety evaluation, etc., etc.
If in addition the exercise has been review by an independent NRC teacher approved by the CINCH project, it will have the "CINCH Approved" stamp to certify its quality and completeness.
Many exercises haven't reached this stage of preparedness but is of course still included - the thought is that everybody will contribute to improve them until they reaches "plug and play" readiness and "CINCH Approved" quality status.

Detection Methods and Equipment

Nuclear Reactions and Neutron Activation

Radiochemistry Methods and Techniques

Other Types of Exercises


As always, we would much like to receive comments, suggestions, corrections, etc. Please provide such on the associated comment pages or send an e-mail to
Likewise if you have developed your own CSE exercises - please share your work with the NucWik community!

laboratory_exercises/start.txt · Last modified: 2023-09-16 17:16 by Susanna Salmien-Paatero