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remote_control_experiments:absorption_of_radiation_in_matter [2023-10-02 17:52]
Jon Peter Omtvedt
remote_control_experiments:absorption_of_radiation_in_matter [2023-10-02 18:05] (current)
Jon Peter Omtvedt
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-Robolab Exercise - Absorption and Detection of Gamma-Radiation +===== Absorption of radiation in matter (UiO) ===== 
- +RoboLab exercise developed at University of Oslo
-===== Run the Exercise ===== +
-To run this exercise click here: Before you can run the exercise you need to have booked a time slot (see below) and have installed the appropriate LabView plug-in (as explained on the main RoboLab page). +
- +
 ===== Booking ===== ===== Booking =====
-To book a time slot for using this remote controlled laboratory you must contact Jon Petter Omtvedt (UiO). Please provide full name, affiliation and when you would like to run the exercise. You will not be able to use the system before you have received a username and password.+To book a time slot for using this remote controlled laboratory you must contact Jon Petter Omtvedt (UiO): j.p.omtvedt[at] Please provide full name, affiliation and when you would like to run the exercise. You will not be able to use the system before an made an appointment, you will then obtain necessary links and instructions for performing the exercise. Normally appointments are only done with teaching institutions and not directly with students
 ===== Learning Goals ===== ===== Learning Goals =====
-To understand how gamma radiation is absorbed and attenuated by matter+To understand how gamma radiation is absorbed and attenuated by matter.
 ===== Introduction =====  ===== Introduction ===== 
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 ===== Student Guides =====  ===== Student Guides ===== 
 Absorption of Gamma Radiation (to be written) Absorption of Gamma Radiation (to be written)
-Robolab procedure for absorption of γ-radiation 
 Analysing the Data (to be written) Analysing the Data (to be written)
-Short explanation of how radiation interact with matter 
 General theory on absorption of radiation (from NucWik NRC textbook) General theory on absorption of radiation (from NucWik NRC textbook)
 ===== Teacher Guides =====  ===== Teacher Guides ===== 
 About learning benefits from this exercise (to be written) About learning benefits from this exercise (to be written)
 ===== Alternative uses =====  ===== Alternative uses ===== 
 This RoboLab setup can be used to investigate counting statistics and standard deviation related to measurement of radiation. Attenuate the count rate by selecting a suitable lead absorber thickness and have the students perform measurement series under identical conditions to observe the deviation in the number of counts. This RoboLab setup can be used to investigate counting statistics and standard deviation related to measurement of radiation. Attenuate the count rate by selecting a suitable lead absorber thickness and have the students perform measurement series under identical conditions to observe the deviation in the number of counts.
 Developed By Developed By
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 ===== Feedback and Ideas from Users and Supervisors =====  ===== Feedback and Ideas from Users and Supervisors ===== 
-Feedback and improvement ideas from users (student and teachers) for this RoboLab exercise - absorption of gamma radiation - is collected here [[.feedback]].+Feedback and improvement ideas from users (student and teachers) for this RoboLab exercise - absorption of gamma radiation - is collected here [[.Feedback|Feedback]].
remote_control_experiments/absorption_of_radiation_in_matter.1696261956.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023-10-02 17:52 by Jon Peter Omtvedt